Passover -Time to Write the New Memory of Humanity

The Israelites didn’t know they were going for 40 years in the desert.  They thought that in 3 days they will be in Israel.

First, they had to get to the point that they don’t want to stay in Egypt. It seems that at first it isn’t the fear that leads them out – rather the faith that leads them which is inherent in the promise of humanity. In the desert – they complain to Moses, and miss all the things they were used to.

Israelite were actually expelled from Egypt. Pharaoh expelled them. This signals we need the agreement of Pharoah in us to let us go – which is a very high entity and presence. In the portion of “Bo”…we learn that God is with pharaoh. The part of Moses in us is invited to meet that pharaoh.

Pharaoh doesn’t want to give up the illusion of control and progress of our world,  the intelect, the science. Pharaoh being an honest and truthful intellectual, our pharaoh, need to surrender to a different conduct and value. Of spirituality. This is not in our mind’s control. Therefore, there is a process in ourselves that is persuasive. This isn’t someone else – it is you. It is me.

When you understand that the Higher is a better dominion and leadership of our world, it is where fear becomes irrelevant. It isn’t a conversation between you and outside…rather a conversation between you and you. If you are honest like pharaoh…they will allow us to leave.


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