Va’Yechi – Torah Portion of the Week
This portion of Torah – Vayechi – is the way to bring actuality from potentiality. When we speak about the death of one of the forefathers, Jacob, the structure suggests that something is coming from potentiality to actuality. We need to ask ourselves what that is
The book of Genesis starts with ‘In the beginning’ and ends with ‘Egypt’. So, it seems something in Egypt is being revived. At first with Joseph it is revived, and later the 12 tribes are united in Egypt. So, it seems that everything that happened in the book of Genesis – in terms of kabbala – executing the revelation of the will of creation to bestow goodness is causing concealment.
As we know, everything that happens in the world will be echoed in the evolution of the spirits.
The book of names: the book of Exodus – of Egypt (not ‘from’ Egypt but ‘of’ Egypt) – one would meet the same law of revelation and concealment.
What we meet in the last chapter is the signing up of the story, the myth (a story that has a future, revealing itself through human journey). What we meet in the beginning, when Jacob is gather all of the tribes, his sons, something that he wished to reveal – caused by the law of revelation and concealment – is concealed. Because he wished to reveal to the first template of spirit, all of the exile they will have to endure. At that moment, Shechina – divinity, is ascending from him and he deposits the ability the bless with Shechina. What is left for him to do is a direction of reformation of all those powers, aspects, that built the structure of divinity.
In actuality, Jacob doesn’t manage to bless all of his children, but since he is blessing first the divinity…he is lodging within the divinity all of the blessings.
When the will of the Creator wishes to be known, and reveal itself, the extension creates something opposite to Him. The main character/quality of the Creator is Bestow. So, what will be created is a vessel of reception. So, everything the Creator wishes to give, is concealed in a way that is a possible of a journey. The way it will be possible to revive is through reforming the vessel of reception – not in complete opposition, rather together.
Now something has been created that has the ability to identify the quality of bestowal, and adopt/adhere, to that quality that will permit the vessel – not only to be a concealment, but also a revelation of the will of the Creator to bestow. The vessel will allow the presence of the Creator to be in their reality – all of the world, in all reality of all worlds.
There needs to be a vessel of spirits that can perform, actualize, this intent.
Jacob attempt to reveal what would happen – is pre-mature – because if he did…all exiles would end at that moment. Because it wasn’t time, divinity ascends from him, and what he is able to reveal is the ability to endure. How to survive and endure all exiles. Exiles are to do with concealment of consciousness, not being aware of its origin, purpose, endeavor.
This blessing, and set of advise to all tribes, is more a sanctity than a blessing. Sanctity (holiness) has to do with life. Blessing is the engine power of development and evolvement.
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